Allow “Display Over Other Apps” Feature on Android Lite!

Are you using an Android Lite OS? Does your smartphone lack support for any app allowing display over other apps?

Well, if you have encountered this issue, you’ve finally found the solution!

I, too, faced this problem when I was using an Android 10 lite version. I couldn’t enable the permission either! However, I managed to find the right solution. So, let’s get started.

What is needed to enable the “Allow Display Over Other Apps” permission?

To allow your favorite apps to use this permission, you need a Windows PC or a Laptop. Also, get a USB Cable. It is mandatory! You can use your charger as a USB cable.

Don’t have any PC? Just ask your friends or use a PC from a local Computer Store by requesting them. Whoever knows, if they give it or do it for you. Whatever, let’s navigate to the second point.

Download SDK Platform Tools

After acquiring a PC, you need to download the Android SDK Platform Tool. You can get it by searching on Google or using the direct link below:

Choose the operating system and download your desired one. If you are using Windows, then download for Windows. If using Linux, then for Linux.


After downloading, go to the file manager where it is downloaded and extract the file.

Now, go inside that extracted folder. You will see something like this:

Click on the folder address. You must click on an empty place.

After clicking on that, remove/delete all text and write “cmd” there without the (“) symbol.

And if your PC is Linux-based, go to that folder, right-click with the mouse, and select “Open in Terminal.”

I have given a short video bellow:


After doing that, you will see a Windows/Linux Command Prompt/Terminal that has opened!

Now, turn on your phone’s Developer Options. To do so, find your phone’s build number in your phone’s settings. Tap it seven times until you see a popup message. I have shown mine below:


After doing that, plug in the USB Cable to your phone and to the PC. You will see this message; just click allow!

And now type: šŸ‘‰Ā  adb devices in the PC’s terminal that you opened previously. It will show like this:

This is your Device:


If you can’t see it like that, then redo the process very fast. Then you will see.

After that, copy and paste the command below. Replace the <package_name> with the application package name that you are trying to give the “Allow Display Over Other Apps” permission.

To get the package name for your desired app, just install “Package name viewer” from Play store. And manually type the package name in “<package_name>” without (“) and (<>) symbol.

ADB Code:

adb shell pm grant <package_name> android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW

For example, IĀ  putted Facebook Messenger package name and Enter!

adb shell pm grant com.facebook.orca android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW


Now you can see your app got the “Allow Display Over Other Apps” permission! šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ

Here is a little more description about how to get package name:


Go to Play Store and Search for “Package name viewer” And install it.



Open it and you can see all package name of your all android apps.



I Hope this tutorial saved your Hair! Ba Bye šŸ˜

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