WHMCS license key free 2024!

To start a Web Hosting business you must need a billing software to manage your client. And they can also manage their web hosting packages. WHMCS is the best billing software to use in this case. WHMCS means “Web Hosting Management Complete Soultion”. And it’s truly give you freedom to manage more than billing. With WHMCS you can:

  • Manage your clients.
  • Serve Hosting packages from different servers in one single WHMCS.
  • Add any kind of product you want.
  • Generate time cycle to make customer pay you.
  • Provide a great support system called ticket.

And what you want is on WHMCS! So if you want ease of management, you must use WHMCS. But this is not free! you have to pay for it! and this tutorial is about How can you get this WHMCS absolutely for free! So let me show you how can you get it!

How to get WHMCS license key free in 2024?


We will bypass the license validation system in order to use it completely free! You don’t need to think about anything, beacause I know what is your questions as a begginer! Just follow what I do!

at first, go to your cPanel and start to install WHMCS from Softaculous. ( If you using another panel then simply download original WHMCS from the original Website and upload it to your server and start installation process by following the official documentary. )


Configure everything by your preference. And scroll to second stage.


In this Valid WHMCS License Key box, enter this license:





And click on install. It will be installed but things not finished yet! Read this full tutorial carefully to make it completely free to use.


after installing it successfully, visit to Amin Login area.



And you will see this. It is saying our license is not valid.



How to fix?


Simple, we will do the license verification bypass! To do this, go to your WHMCS installation directory from File Manager.



Now scroll down and go to vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib


Now search & delete the License.php file from here.



after deleting that, upload the new License.php file.

You can download the new License.php file from Here!



Now get back to your Website where you installed WHMCS. You you can see your WHMCS is completely free to use now!


WHMCS license key free


And that how you got whmcs license key for free!

Now login with your credential and enjoy using whmcs.

To learn WHMCS, Follow some YouTube channel related to WHMCS.



Some FAQs –

What is the System Requirements?

Before you start, ensure your server meets the following requirements:

  • PHP version 7.2 or higher
  • MySQL version 5.1 or higher
  • A web server like Apache or Nginx or Litespeed


Is this method safe to use?

This method is more safer than using direct crack version of WHMCS. But this method does not hold 100% safe flag. If you are want security and supports then you must buy WHMCS from WHMCS.com !


Will I get all feature of WHMCS?

Yes, you will get all same to same as WHMCS.


Can I upgrade it realtime?

Yes, in this license verification bypass method, it is possible to update without any distruption.


Ion_cube Loader is missing?

If you see such errors then simply go to your cPanel – Select PHP Version – Extension. And from this extension option, you can see a extension named ioncube loader. Just enable it and your problem will be solved!

If you have different control panel and don’t know how to enable, then contact to your hosting provider, they will enable it for you.


Why is cronjobs is not working?

CronJobs takes upto 24 hours to work properly. Make sure your cronjob command is added into Cronjob and it set to 5 minutes and for additional configuration, you can search online tutorials & you will get many.

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